Territorial Reclamation through Fragmented Phytoremediation System

Year Fall 2021 (Competition Summer 2022)
Location Orbetello, Italy
Advisor Daniele Profeta
Team Chenhao Luo, Muwen Li
Category Florence Abroad Design Studio | ARC 408
Exhibition 9TH UABB International Low Carbon City Exhibition // Shenzhen, China
Award ARCHTWIST Regeneration // Gold Mention + Short Listed
THE 20TH ASIAN DESIGN AWARD Protection and Restoration // Gold Award
Location Orbetello, Italy
Advisor Daniele Profeta
Team Chenhao Luo, Muwen Li
Category Florence Abroad Design Studio | ARC 408
Exhibition 9TH UABB International Low Carbon City Exhibition // Shenzhen, China
Award ARCHTWIST Regeneration // Gold Mention + Short Listed
THE 20TH ASIAN DESIGN AWARD Protection and Restoration // Gold Award
click to view mapping video ︎
In research of the concept, “Bonifica”, the reclamation of land, aims to remediate the toxic wastes on site as a result of
industrial development across Italy during the Facist Regime. The site of intervention, an abandoned chemical factory,
stands at the outskirts of Orbetello, a waterfront town in the province of Grosseto. This project utilizes fragment
interventions as a method to build ecological resilience by remediating toxic wastes from underground sewage, mining activities, agricultural wastewater, and human activities. The fragmented installation will serve as an apparatus to conduct different methods of bioremediation on the historical contaminated site whlie creating experiential spaces
that reactivate the space for nearby community. This project was unique in its extensive use of LiDAR scanning conducted on site through photogrammetry. Digital scanning is able to captures details of the undocumented buildings on site in fractured conditions, creating an accurate depiction of the site in current condition.
interventions as a method to build ecological resilience by remediating toxic wastes from underground sewage, mining activities, agricultural wastewater, and human activities. The fragmented installation will serve as an apparatus to conduct different methods of bioremediation on the historical contaminated site whlie creating experiential spaces
that reactivate the space for nearby community. This project was unique in its extensive use of LiDAR scanning conducted on site through photogrammetry. Digital scanning is able to captures details of the undocumented buildings on site in fractured conditions, creating an accurate depiction of the site in current condition.